

Sync Licensing 101: A Guide for Music Artists

Few musicians start writing songs to make money. For many artists, becoming a musician, songwriter, or composer is first and foremost about expressing themselves in the best way they can. However, once you start gaining a following, you may just find yourself considering the possibility of earning a living from your music. That is the moment when you need to start thinking about licensing your music. Licensing means allowing someone else to use your work within certain limits. Music licensing can seem like a complex topic initially, but understanding the [...]

2023-02-09T15:50:28+00:00febrero 13, 2023|Categories: Guides|Tags: , , |

What Is Music Licensing? [Our Guide]

Music licensing may not be the first thing on your mind when you’re writing a song or composing a piece of music. But while the legal aspects of the music business may seem a bit complicated or even boring, those are the aspects that will make you money.  Licensing your music for others to use is one of the biggest sources of income for musicians. It’s essential to grow your brand and make a living in the music industry. Here is how it works.  How does music licensing [...]

2022-07-08T16:23:52+00:00julio 8, 2022|Categories: Guides|Tags: , |

Music Royalties and Copyright Explained [Our Guide]

The music business is built on collaboration. Whether you are thinking of a brand-new band supporting a headliner or two veteran artists joining forces to reinterpret a classic, cooperation makes for memorable music. At the same time, this collaborative nature can make it difficult to determine who deserves what share of royalties when a song is played.  In this guide, we’ll do our best to explain music royalties as simply as possible. Don’t worry, you’re not expected to memorize the entire article. Bookmark it to refer back to it whenever [...]

2022-02-24T07:40:27+00:00febrero 23, 2022|Categories: Guides|Tags: , |
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